Crossing The Thresholds of your Life
Transition to Transformation
Success Stories
When we first started working together, it was Spring 2021.
Due to a series of health crises, I had recently given up my long-time satisfying and meaningful work; and during the same period experienced an unexpected loss of friends and sense of community. I felt alone, discouraged and unanchored. It was hard to imagine that anything could change and I could not afford to step toward something that was not going to help. I was emotionally and financially depleted.
The support you have given me has made such a difference.
I didn't have any modeling. And the work doesn't happen through
reading or listening to videos. It happens through relationship.
Our work has been a Ph.D. course.
I have a life now.
I can't thank you enough.
There is no amount of time or money I could have put on this.
Our work is what I have wanted all my life.
It hasn't been about psychology, it has been about holding my hand and being in relationship
with me as I learned and tried new things.
Rose S. Seattle Washington
I know I'm not an easy person to work with. I'm just too clever and manipulative and can usually convince anyone of anything if there's something I can't face yet and I'm very gifted at playing the victim. The work we've done together has been so intense, transformative and life-changing.
How you're able to see thru that with such fierce clarity while at the same time holding such loving yet unattached space for me is just amazing!
I've begun a session with you thinking, that there's no way to get thru this, it's hopeless. And then, just one hour later I feel full of hope, liberated from a story that I'd convinced myself was real. And all of this because of your stunning ability to hold space for whatever is arising, to see so clearly into and thru the "story" to the core issue. And then, to so skillfully and with such great heart and depth of wisdom reflect it back to me.
Your work is such a powerful and empowering catalyst for profound and lasting transformation.
R.B. Port Townsend, WA
“This is fantastic, I’m getting tasks accomplished that I haven’t been able to do in years.
Once I make a commitment and you are my super supportive witness, cheerleader and champion, I focus on accomplishing just the tasks I requested, not the numerous ones that pop up. I’m feeling a new sense of accomplishment, while still enjoying my life.
It’s very fulfilling moving forward and not being stuck or mired down. It’s a fun feeling, truly freeing, knowing I can direct my life however I want it to be. Fantastic!”
Ken Cross, Grateful Client, Tahoe CA.
“Our conversations raised the bar for me personally: how high I might dream, manifest, and measure livelihood success. Thank you for your wise counsel and support. My confidence comes from the confidence you had in me and mirrored back to me.
It came slowly, in increments, the realization that the universe showed up to fulfill a grand dream. It took a few days to sink in, for me to realize “holy macaroni! This is what I asked for!” I was gobsmacked. I wished for non-profit mission work with a private equity salary. Livelihood, with a purpose! It has arrived! Here we go!”
Michelle W., Oakland CA
“Judith is awesome. Simply, the best. And, as reticent as I am to use such a well-used phrase, she helped me turn my life around.
I came to Judith knowing I had a short time to work with her before returning to the work world, and would likely get swept away in the rigors of the office world (once again). I presented her with where I was, and where I believed I wanted to go. She fully encouraged me the whole time, in all endeavors, and the energy, focus and freedom she provided lasted me well beyond the session times themselves, propelling me in a way that just can’t be done solo.
She brings with her tremendous experience, and a sincere, deep and rooted mode of professionalism and a well-honed, skill-intensive set of tools. Couple this with her warm and fully-intuitive nature, and, well, what more could you ask for in a coach?
Beyond this, she guided me (staying away from the “should” word) into priorities of mine that weren’t my top priorities, per se, yet in retrospect needed to be top priorities. In my case, this meant focusing on my physical health and energy, which then gave me a multiplicity of ways in which my energy for all other endeavors was increased and intensified.
I am now in the best shape of my life, inside and out, with people commenting on my metamorphosis and things like formerly-high cholesterol being vehemently low, along with all other “vital” signs being right on the mark.
With a combination of intuition, dedication, and deeply-seated compassion, Judith has supported my innate wisdom in having reached out to her for support in my life.….. and you can, too!
My personal experiences say yes yes yes, go go go, you can do it you can do it you can do it!”
Jason Herrera., Oakland, CA
“My work with Judith was a gift that I reap the value of every day. She has helped me to step deeply inside my own heart and listen. And through that listening, I finally have been able to hear and celebrate my own self and voice.
My life is different since my work with Judith. I am stretching up on my tippy toes into the field I have been wanting to work in. I am beginning to let go of the desire for perfection and saintly goodness; my wants sound louder than the wants of others. I feel validated and acknowledged on such a deep level.
Judith is truly wise and loving. She has helped me to find the door inside myself; she nudged me and I walked inside. Surprisingly, there were no monsters. Just this place I’d always wanted to find.”
Mary Lea Crawley, New Jersey
“Now that I have your support, I feel like I’m on a steady course on an unknown but exciting sea and have reached the Rubicon….the point of no return….Snipets will no longer serve me…action will….and I really appreciate all the action items we identify during and after our sessions. I’m moving forward, finally, and though sometimes it seems insurmountable, I know in my heart that not only is there a light at the end of the tunnel, but that there is, indeed, a tunnel.”
Sabrina Chaw, Women's Wellness and Empowerment Coach, A Feminine Feast
“I was recovering from two years worth of hellish breakups and escaping from corporate hell. When I met Judith, I was a hysterical mess inside. I was completely ungrounded. In my rush to get married and have a secure job, I had forfeited my true spirit. I believe this squelching of my authentic self is what led to my prolonged crisis.
With Judith’s patience, great compassion, love and mentoring, I slowly came to. Being in Judith’s presence had a mystical and mythical quality to it. She kindly encompassed me in her healing energy during our sessions. I would leave our sessions filled with positivity and hope.
She encouraged me to affirm the power of my artistic longings. Over six months of slow and steady work, journal writing, prayer, and delving into my past to honor the ways I was creative, I started to feel revived. The deepest, strongest part of myself felt radiant and happy and was capable of making decisions which my logical side would try to resist but the warrior in me was now strong and grounded.”
Elizabeth G. Oakland, California
“Your coaching has helped me enormously in forming a vision for my life, restoring a sense of purpose and meaning after a long fallow period of stagnation and despair. You have modeled a deeply caring, compassionate attitude which has supported me in honoring myself in a like manner.
What is wonderful about our work together is the ability to turn what seems like daunting tasks – whether it be changing my attitude towards myself, changing my destructive eating habits, organizing my life, etc., into manageable pieces that I can carry out without the sense of overwhelm.
You have a deep emotional, psychological intelligence and wisdom. And you get it — very quickly, coaching me to discover alternate perspectives and methods to arrive at my goals in ways that feel suited to my style. I tap into my own resources of imaginative and creative resources.
Although our work is over the phone, your voice is one of compassion, great warmth, understanding and genuine caring. Your voice carries a strong healing quality.
I have begun to shift from patterns of procrastination, overwhelm and overloaded to a life that has a feeling of possibility. Thank you!”
Mala V. New Zealand
“When my partner and I sought Judith’s help with our relationship, neither of us had considered Relationship Coaching. But we knew we were profoundly “stuck” for too long in relationship patterns that sparked bouts of anger and mutual rejection.
Our first session with Judith was truly healing. She established a venue within which we opened a level of dialogue that had not been possible before. Her compassion, understanding and healing humor created a safe space that allowed us to begin identifying the issues that both divided and united us, while also employing effective techniques that we could take home with us and continue to work with.
We both feel that Judith’s coaching has helped bring clarity and focus to the choices we have before us, clearing away the clouded hurtful emotional projections we had been resorting to. We are now growing the type of honest, open relationship that we both desire.”
Catherine Butler, Richmond CA